How Can Foreign Trade Companies Increase Website Conversions Through Foreign Trade SEO Promotion?

How Can Foreign Trade Companies Increase Website Conversions Through Foreign Trade SEO Promotion?

24 Apr 2024


For companies engaged in foreign trade, it is extremely important to have a high-conversion, high-quality foreign trade website and use foreign trade SEO promotion to continuously bring target traffic and orders to the website. So how do we systematically carry out foreign trade SEO promotion work? This article will answer that for you one by one.

I. Correctly Understand Foreign Trade SEO Promotion

Foreign trade SEO promotion, as a way of website promotion, is only half-understood by many people. Therefore, we must first look at foreign trade SEO promotion correctly:

Foreign trade SEO promotion is divided into two ways: white hat and black hat. White hat SEO follows search engine rules, aiming to optimize website quality and improve user experience; while black hat SEO adopts cheating methods, although effective for a time, it will eventually be discovered and punished. We recommend adopting the white hat SEO method.

Foreign trade SEO promotion is not set in stone, it needs to keep up with the times. No SEO method is an eternal truth, we must abandon dogmatism, maintain an open mind, and constantly explore and adjust according to the actual situation.

The purpose of foreign trade SEO promotion is to improve website quality and meet user needs, not solely to improve rankings and traffic. We should focus our optimization work around the user experience.

Foreign trade SEO promotion requires input of human resources and material resources. To do it well, we cannot be afraid of trouble and money, such as hiring professionals to assist in completing some technical work.

Be wary of various SEO hypes and rumors, and maintain a rational and sober understanding. Foreign trade SEO promotion will not end here, as long as search engines still exist, it will still have its value.

We need to continuously learn and improve through multiple channels to keep our skills up-to-date. Overly outdated SEO knowledge and techniques have lost their reference value.

In addition to mastering basic SEO techniques, we also need to expand our knowledge in related fields, such as paid search rankings, marketing strategies, etc., to build a complete online marketing system.

II. External Link Building Strategy

External link building is a critical part of foreign trade SEO promotion. We need to focus on controlling the following points:

The quality, relevance, comprehensiveness and growth stability of external links. We cannot simply pursue the quantity of external links, but must pay attention to the weight of the external link sources and their relevance to our own content. At the same time, the sources of external links cannot be too singular, the forms must also be diversified, and the growth must be stable and reasonable.

The layout of external links must be naturalized. Whether it is the growth rate or the anchor text form, we must avoid being too deliberate to prevent search engines from identifying it as artificial cheating.

Although nofollow external links cannot directly pass on weight, they cannot be completely ignored, as they still have a certain influence on website relevance.

We must pay attention to the credibility of the external link source website, such as checking the TrustRank indicator. Even if the weight is not high, as long as it is an external link from a credible website, it is also valuable.

Attract external links through good website content design and user experience. External links are not something that can be obtained simply by asking for them; we need to use high-quality content to trigger natural citations.

The position of in-text links has the highest weight, so it must be arranged reasonably.

III. Website Internal Optimization

In addition to external link building, website internal optimization is equally important, specifically including:

Optimization of title (Title), description (Description) and keywords (Keywords). The Title should contain keywords and pay attention to the order of arrangement; the Description cannot stuff keywords and must be smooth and beautiful to attract clicks from users; the Keywords should contain keywords and long-tail words.

Improve webpage loading speed. The webpage opening speed will directly affect the search engine’s weight assessment of the website, and we must make the greatest effort to improve through image compression, code streamlining, etc.

Optimize image Alt Text and title tags. This not only helps search engine crawling and parsing, but also improves the user experience.

Reasonable allocation of internal links and external links. Appropriate internal links can increase content relevance and richness, while appropriate external links give search engines a good impression of the website as a content hub.

The strategy of publishing long content. Long and high-quality content can rank for target keywords and bring long-tail traffic.

IV. Keyword Research

Keywords are the guiding compass for foreign trade SEO promotion work, and keyword research work should follow the following principles:

Ensure completeness by covering keywords for all relevant product lines and digging deep into long-tail words; ensure accuracy by having keywords that truly match website content; focus on high conversion potential by prioritizing keywords that can bring order conversions; choose low-competition words as an entry point.

Master the use of various keyword tools, such as Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, etc., to discover high-quality keywords.

V. Monitoring and Maintenance

“Foreign trade SEO promotion” is not a one-time deal. After the website goes live and is optimized, we still need to continuously monitor and maintain:

Regularly monitor the ranking changes of target keywords in search engines, as well as the overall traffic trends of the website. If there is a decline, promptly investigate the reasons and take remedial measures.

Regularly supplement content and optimize adjustments. Website content needs to keep up with the times, while internal links and external links also need to be continuously built to consolidate weight.

VI. External Promotion and Social Marketing

In addition to search engine promotion, we must also make full use of other channels to increase the exposure of the website. Specific practices include:

Place social platform sharing buttons on the company’s official website to encourage visitors to share high-quality content.

The company itself registers and operates accounts on various major social platforms and publishes website content links on them.

Use Facebook pages, groups, and personal timelines for content promotion.

VII. Efficient Planning of Work Processes

Foreign trade SEO promotion requires long-term perseverance and systematic implementation. To fully improve work efficiency, we need to pay attention to the following:

Don’t stare at the traffic and ranking data every day, this is a dynamic process of quantitative change leading to qualitative change. Checking and recording the changes once a week or every two weeks is sufficient.

Schedule important work to be completed in the morning, and in the afternoon handle some secondary matters or schedule meetings, maintaining a clear work rhythm.

Outsource work that can be outsourced to professionals to improve work efficiency and free up more time to focus on core work.

Be like a “compulsive disorder” and make detailed work plans and strictly follow them, without procrastination or giving up halfway.

By correctly understanding foreign trade SEO promotion, and systematically planning and implementing external link building, website internal optimization, keyword research, monitoring and maintenance, external promotion and social marketing, and efficiently arranging work processes, companies can ultimately gain more target customers and orders through foreign trade SEO promotion to achieve marketing goals.

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